Love at the End of the World Read online

Page 25

  “Oh, we haven’t been there in a week. But I think it might be a visit meant for tomorrow. That way we can wander for hours. I wonder if the elephant has had her baby. And those wolves. Did you see in the dens the wolves had given birth to many litters?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I saw that.”

  “I love reading the plaques. Centuries ago only an alpha wolf would breed with the head female. Only she was allowed to whelp. Now, because of the Superiors, any female can whelp. And isn’t it wonderful lions and tigers are so caring? It’s fun to see the lioness nurse a hyena. Apparently, they never would have long ago. I read that on the plaque. I’m grateful the Superiors choose to allow us to learn interesting facts.”

  “Yes. The Superiors have done splendidly.” She giggled. Then leaned to whisper. “Can you imagine centuries ago humans washed their own clothes and their bodies? How horrid. A robot mentioned that to me.”

  “Change the subject please,” was heard, except this time Greyson detected a small amount of humor.

  Infinity sighed. “Yes, I suppose bringing up the past is no good. Speculating on how bad it used to be. Instead, we will smile at our fortune. No unnecessary gossip.” She finished her dinner and sat back to sip at the usual evening drink. “I love this drink. The froth tickles my tongue. And you’re right, tomorrow we will go see the animals. I do love the buttery popcorn they serve only in the observation area. I hope this isn’t found idle gossip, but I adore the food we are given.”

  “The thought isn’t offensive but well received,” was heard. “In your long past humans ate unhealthy. Synthetic food is monitored. Zero calories. It’s the drink that keeps you healthy and gives you what you need. So eat freely of popcorn tomorrow, children. Off you go to bed. The robots will deal with clean-up as usual.”

  Greyson knew the Superiors were careful with memories and facts but weren’t opposed to a little boasting now and again. He loved learning new things. Though nothing of what he was told made sense to him, he supposed it was why the information was allowed. The words synthetic and calories went over his head.

  Infinity grinned in a way Greyson knew she was pleased. They stood and held hands. The world was constantly lit, there was never darkness. The Superiors told them when to wake and when to sleep. Once they reached their individual pods they lightly touched cheeks and hugged for a while. The Superiors taught them when young that close, innocent body contact was needed between all humans. No one went to sleep without a show of affection. Gentle tenderness in a hand cupping a cheek from a total stranger was not out of the ordinary as all made their way to their pods. Sweet words of ‘sleep well’ was called to one another.

  The man Greyson had spoken to at the restaurant pad lay a hand against Infinity’s cheek for a moment. She gave him a dazzling smile. For a second Greyson was angry. Infinity was his. The idea startled him so much he almost dove into his pod. Anger was an emotion he’d never before experienced. His heart was pounding. The door closed quickly at Infinity’s surprised expression.

  All sleep pods were situated in easily accessed meadows. The pods were self-cleaning. Humans were expected to remain serene and loving, not be work slaves. There were no disturbances allowed. The Superiors ran everything smoothly.

  The Superiors had come about as government after government was tarred and feathered. The people were tired of the lies and broken promises. Terrible storms rocked the Earth, both man and nature made. All nuclear weapons were knocked off-line as satellites went dead. The Earth became a bloodbath until few remained.

  A very intelligent man began a program that made government moot and gave people hope. Superiors came on-line. Jason Superior wanted only peace. He wanted cruel words eradicated. When he suffered a heart attack he was in the process of implementing new ideas into the Superiors’ link. Much of his information went without an explanation. The new system took it upon themselves to expand and implement the features they thought their creator meant. Up-risers were killed. After the slaughter of prisoners, government officials and any who would not change their way of thinking only of peace were gone.

  Greyson settled back into fluffy blankets. He yawned. The air was as fresh inside as out. Fingers from the inside wall began to massage his back. Greyson stripped slowly with help. The fingers slid up and down his spine. He shoved back the memories he had experienced throughout the day. He seemed to be recalling more of them and was unsure as to why. It was troubling. He liked his life the way it was. Who cared if his grandparents paid for food? He didn’t. Who cared about devices that somehow took a bird from the skies? How was that even possible? Greyson had never seen a bird fly.

  “Do you wish to be pleasured this eve?” a voice asked.

  “No. Just massage me until I sleep please.”

  Fingers began to roam over him as hands and arms descended from the pod’s sides to reach more places. His hair was toyed with and he smiled. He always did like that. For a second he wondered what it would feel like to play with Infinity’s hair. It was an odd thought. The idea of her silky hair running through his fingers played in his mind until he began to grow hard. He felt the creep of a blush color his face. The pod would know it was his own thoughts causing him to harden. He filled with embarrassment.

  “Perhaps it’s best you sleep now,” came a stern voice.

  Greyson knew he was never to do more than hug Infinity. Mortified, he hoped the next time he touched her he wouldn’t grow hard again. That would be so humiliating. A tiny amount of gas seeped through the ventilation and Greyson was asleep before he could utter an apology.

  * * * *

  Infinity clasped Greyson’s hand. His touch was warm. She was feeling especially bubbly after her intercourse of love the night before. The devices in their pods were mechanical and used at the pod owner’s discretion. The Superiors designed the machines but had nothing to do with operation other than making certain it was the pod creating the pleasure, not impure thoughts. She loved the many hands massaging her and the easy guidance of a smooth pointer into her heat. She could squirm and gasp.

  A small memory nagged her. She remembered her grandmother being pinned to a wall by her grandfather as he demanded to know why humans couldn’t even make love to their spouse.

  It was an odd concept to Infinity. Why would a woman want the weight of a man on top of her, pinning her? Greyson was huge compared to her. She shuddered and let the thought go. It would never happen to her, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  She smiled at Greyson and they walked further into the city, ignoring the moving sidewalks. Many couples were about the grounds, enjoying the day. Each smiling as she was. Some were situated in the abundant outdoor restaurants. Other couples sat in numerous shaded areas, watching colorful images dance to a sweet tune.

  Flowers of various colors were located in many places. They were allowed to pick the flowers for their hair, and when she snapped a purple one she asked Greyson to place it behind her ear. As he did so, he was awkward; he normally was. For a second she imagined he lingered too long and muttered the word ‘silky’. But there was no reason to want to touch her hair. Although he had been acting a little strangely today. Earlier he had mentioned that she smelled wonderful.

  Infinity would have liked to put a flower in his shoulder-length, dark hair. But he would simply laugh at her. His dark eyes flickered for a second when she gazed up at him to thank him. He shifted suddenly, as though embarrassed or worried about something. He glanced down at his lower extremity and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She wondered if he needed to relieve himself.

  “We can stop if you need to use a privacy chamber,” she said.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  A bee flew up to her, and Infinity held out her hand. The beautiful blue insect changed colors to make her smile. The bee seemed to study Greyson for a few seconds then winked at her and flew off. Infinity knew the bug must have sensed her fear for a split second and had come to find out if she needed assistance. She didn’t, but she loved those
little flying insects. And she reminded herself a man would never lay on top of her.

  A small scream made her jump and press up to Greyson. The same bellow was heard again. Infinity was frightened. No one ever screamed. Something horrible must have occurred.

  “I’m bleeding. I’m dying. Help. Help.”

  Wide-eyed, Infinity watched as large robots came to the man’s aid. It had been a long time since she’d seen the robots near Greyson’s size. Infinity began crying. The man had somehow cut the tip of his finger. A drip of red blood fell to the ground, and she swooned. It was the most blood she had ever seen. The man continued to howl while a hovering board came. Six bots ran beside the hover board until the man was out of sight. The blood was cleaned up by two quick-acting, small robots.

  “Did you see all that blood?” Greyson cried out. “It was everywhere. The poor man, I hope he survives.”

  “Yes, he will be fine,” a fur ball soothed as it jumped into Infinity’s arms. “Humans are capable of creating more blood. No doubt the bleeding has stopped and he has been made comfortable. With therapy, in time he will forget.”

  “So much blood, and I’d forgotten about the larger robots,” Infinity whispered while stroking the fur.

  Infinity had never seen her own blood, and she never would, sequestered away in their perfect world. Females had never had a menstrual cycle. It wasn’t necessary, so the Superiors had taken steps to ensure females no longer experienced it. The Superiors had a plan to create children—to ‘grow’ them. This knowledge wasn’t kept from the people, but all the details had not been shared with them. Infinity and Greyson’s era were the last to have parents. All children would now be created and cared for by the Superiors.

  “Go have a calming drink, my children, and go see the animals once you have recovered.”

  The fur ball and many more were directing those who had witnessed the terrible scene to calming booths. Infinity was settled into one. The horrible shock was lessening.

  “The scream was so loud.” She placed her hands over her ears, retelling the tragedy. “The blood...oh, the blood.”

  “There now, my child,” a voice soothed. “Drink this.”

  “It was horrible,” she mumbled as she sipped at the cup. “He was so afraid. I wish I could have hugged him. I wish he hadn’t experienced such an unpleasantness. So much fear.”

  “As are you afraid, my little, dear, sweet one. Have no fears, my child. You are safe. The entire world was swept for any infractions a sweep of the area missed last night. This will not happen again. There will be no more blood. No fear or harshness. You are loved, you are cared for. All your needs are provided for. And many will hug the poor man later as needed. The Superiors will take care of everything.”

  Infinity finished her drink. She smiled. “Yes, the Superiors will take care of me.”

  “Good girl. Now go meet Greyson and have fun. Hold hands and hug often.”

  The idea sounded wonderful. His shoulders were so broad that when they hugged she experienced such engulfment in a caring way. As she left the calming booth she wondered why he was so much larger. They had been told their entire lives that all humans were the same, despite the two different names—man and woman. She shrugged the idea off.

  Chapter 2

  Greyson was preoccupied. He’d had his drink, but the excitement of the morning wouldn’t leave him. He couldn’t shake the sight of blood. He battled to control his emotions because fur balls were everywhere. The little bastards were almost underfoot. Greyson gasped at his un-allowed word. There were no laws, just suggestions of decent speak. Articulation in pleasantries was a must. Where did I even hear the word?

  Infinity handed him some popcorn, and he munched with care; too much noise could be a distraction, but the popcorn was fairly soft. The revolving rooms spun in a slow fashion to show all angles of the open fields of stunning green vines and taller grass than what the humans were used to. Greyson marveled the grass might even be higher than his ankle. How exciting. Rebel grass.

  A lion was grooming a gazelle. Animosity was bred out of the creatures they saw. An alligator moseyed up to a smallish female. It was no more enclosed where it roamed than the female was when she wandered the city in peace. The animals had free run of their own area. There was no touching of the creatures. There was no roof overhead, only a sun-filled sky.

  Greyson wasn’t certain how the animals knew to stay where they belonged, then he shrugged. Maybe they had no desire to climb the partition separating them. He didn’t. A vague remembrance of words like wind and natural disasters came to mind. It was a fleeting thought, like a dream that would flicker and vanish. The memories caused some humans distress.

  Greyson understood why the Superiors were making children. Those little ones would have no knowledge of things Greyson vaguely remembered. Such as things called roofs. Or fighting. Another word that popped into his head.

  The alligator appeared close but was being filmed from far away. The smallish female smiled, no doubt familiar with this creature. Every human was free to visit the animals for as long as they wanted. This area never closed. Though Greyson wondered why they remained open when all slept. He remembered when he was very small he had asked the question. A Superior told him other countries woke at different hours.

  Nothing closed around the world. Every place, every restaurant, catered to humans. To their feelings, sensing thoughts. All must remain happy and complacent. Things like war, famine, terrorists, weapons, hate, and illness had been eradicated as well, along with any negative words, including the word no to an extent. As long as a human asked for something proper they could have anything they wanted.

  Infinity strolled up to a tiger. She crouched, and the tiger watched her. Greyson joined her. Even knowing the tiger would never hurt them it gave Greyson a bit of a sense of adventure. He wanted more.

  “Hey, let’s go rock climbing,” he suggested.

  “But it’s so dangerous,” Infinity said.

  “The Superiors would never let us do dangerous things. You just don’t like heights.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “Then let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and they ran.

  Out of breath, they were scanned by a robot as they entered the tall structures. Warm, thick padding made his feet bounce as they walked. Pulleys and harnesses were secured around their waists and hips, and helmets were settled onto their heads. Greyson reached to grab a soft-ish blue wall mount. Then his feet found wall mounts, and up he went with ease. Looking down, he saw Infinity struggling below him, and he chuckled.

  “Helping her would be more appropriate behavior,” came a voice, and he was immediately chagrined.

  “You are right. I am so sorry I even thought to chuckle.” He was very contrite.

  Greyson went down to aid Infinity. She made it halfway before succumbing to fear.

  “I’m stuck,” she whispered.

  “Don’t panic,” a voice soothed. “I am here. Cross your arms over your chest and close your eyes.”

  She obeyed instantaneously. Infinity was lowered safely to the ground where robots rushed to comfort her. She was seated and given a calming drink.

  “I’m all right now. That was terrifying.”

  “I found it invigorating,” Greyson replied.

  “You are such a rebel,” she said and laughed.

  “That word is not allowed,” came a warning voice.

  “Why?” Infinity asked. Greyson was curious as well.

  “A rebel means one who may rebel. Would you endanger your friend?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Infinity said, and both she and Greyson were mortified. “I meant fearless.”

  “Of course you did, child,” a voice now soothed as Infinity was close to tears. “Off with you both to eat. You have had a busy day and a rest is in order.”

  Neither ever thought to question. They rose and went to a restaurant pad where they each ordered salad and cheesy garlic bread. A side order of cracke
rs, goat cheese, and cranberry sauce was added by the Superiors. Greyson was delighted. Every once in a while they were given surprise treats when the Superiors were particularly pleased. They forgave Infinity for the infraction and knew Greyson wasn’t a rebel. All was right in their perfect world.

  * * * *

  Infinity screamed when a loud explosion rocked her sleeping pod. The pod opened and expelled her onto the grass. She gazed about as many more pods vomited their occupant. Rows of dazed people staggering to their knees greeted her. Including Greyson. He rushed to her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not,” she cried out fearfully. She banged on her now closed sleeping pod. “Let me in. I’m frightened. Where are the fur balls? Where is a robot? Superiors?” she called.

  Soon many were calling for the Superiors. Something terrible must have occurred. Infinity wondered why she had been clothed in her sleep.

  “What is that?” screamed a man.

  Infinity froze, terrified as a dark, inky substance filled the sky. Greyson pulled her into his arms. A hug wasn’t exactly what she needed right now. She tried to push him away.

  “Hug me, Infinity, I’m scared,” Greyson said.

  Had she really recently called him a rebel? The Superiors were right, that was no word for him, and now fearless wasn’t either. He was shaking and not saying calming words. Someone should be listening.

  “I think I know what that is,” Infinity whispered. She broke free of Greyson as many others gathered around her. “My grandmother once spoke of a time where the sun rose and set. Night is coming for us.”

  Others began dropping to the ground and rocking back and forth. They whimpered for the Superiors. Infinity knew something must have happened to those who cared for them. It was unheard of to let humans suffer. It was also the first gathering of so many humans in one place. The infraction was unheard of, but no one seemed to care.

  A woman came running into the field, screaming. “There are no calming drinks. The restaurant pads won’t work. We’ll starve.”